Category: 2024

  • Was A24’s biggest budget film worth it?

    Short answer: no. Slightly longer answer: absolutely not. Civil War had a huge budget, a whopping $50 million. The largest of any A24 film, which is evident, as they clearly had no idea how to use this money. This film follows a group of photo-journalists as they travel from New York to Washington D.C. in…

  • Mother’s Instinct? More like gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss

    Mother’s Instinct is a thriller set in the 60s, starring Anne Hathaway as Celine, a calm, fun-loving mother to Max (Baylen D. Bielitz), and Jessica Chastain as Alice, anxious and highly strung mother to Theo (Eamon Patrick O’Connell). The film starts with the two families having seemingly perfect lives. Max and Theo are best friends,…